Thinking of Visiting?
We realize that visiting a new church may be intimidating. Don’t worry. We are glad to have you visit. We want you to find us a sincere, friendly church – a place where we are all growing in grace and in the knowledge and love of God.
When should I visit?
Our service times are listed our homepage.
Should I "dress up"?
That's entirely up to you. You'll find many people attending the service prefer to "dress up" with suits, ties, dresses, etc. But you'll also find people attending the service wearing casual attire as well.
Where do my children go?
During the morning service, we offer a children’s church service/Sunday school for elementary age children. We also offer a staffed nursery for the little ones during all services. Children are dismissed just prior to the sermon and children’s church and nursery are held in the church annex right next to the church.
So.... What do I do in the service?
In the Sunday morning service, as well as in the evening service, we begin with congregational singing of traditional hymns. Of course, during the sermon, our pastor preaches and teaches from the Bible as we receive a message from God’s word. Our Wednesday evening format includes a congregational hymn, a brief Bible study, and a 15-minute prayer time, typically in small groups, before the service closes with another hymn.
Am I expected to put money in the offering plate?
We don't expect our visitors to put money in the offering plate. At most of our services, we do have an offering as an opportunity for our members and regular attenders to give to support the work of the church and missions. If you want to put something in the offering plate, feel free, but please feel just as free to let the plate pass on by.